Let me Hug Someone for You
Are you one of those people who doesn’t hug? What’s your excuse?
It’s not manly? Hogwash! In many European countries—Greece, France, and Russia come to mind for starters—men enthusiastically hug each other in greeting and farewell.
Strong people don’t show their emotions? More hogwash! Showing your emotions proves you are strong…strong enough to own your feelings.
You’re afraid of embarrassing the other person? How do you know they’re not standing there just yearning to be embraced? You may be upsetting them more by not hugging them.
You’re concerned that your hug will be misinterpreted? Hug with your upper body tight to the other person but your lower body not. No one who’s sensible will mistake that for a come-on or sexual harrassment.
Who do you know who could use a hug today?
5 Reasons Hugging is Healthy
1. REDUCED BLOOD PRESSURE AND RISK OF HEART DISEASE It’s proven that hugs lead to less stress; after hugging, there is a reduction in your body’s cortisol level. Cortisol is the hormone associated with stress. Less stress equals lower blood pressure, which significantly reduces your risk of heart disease.
2. OXYTOCIN INCREASE Hugs increase oxytocin – the “bonding” hormone. In a study, when couples hugged for 20 seconds, their levels of oxytocin increased. Those in loving relationships had the highest increases.
3. STRENGTHENS SOCIAL BONDS Hugs symbolize trust and compassion. Giving someone a hug has the potential to make them feel more comfortable around you in the future, to trust you more, and to make them feel that you are truly on their side.
4. IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH Hugging, like therapy or yoga, can help clear your mind and make you happier. But, what’s more, is it can even strengthen your mind long-term. Hugging and touch has been shown to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, such as restlessness, pacing, vocalization, searching and tapping.
5. HUMAN TOUCH IS IRREPLACEABLE In the same way a massage can deliver the healing, happy benefits of human touch, a hug can really do a body good.
When the pressure goes up, when your outlook is cloudy, when it’s raining on your prospects, when your relationship turns icy, when you’re in a fog…what do you need? You need a hug. Hugs have cured almost as many ills as chicken soup!
And when someone else is in a bad place in their head or in their life, they need a hug too. But do you respond, or do you leave it for someone else to do the hugging? If we all leave it for someone else, who’s going to hug that person?
We can cure so many of the world’s ills with just a simple hug.
Did I say “simple”? A hug is actually quite complex. Just look at all it can do. It can convey a plethora of messages: “You’re loved.” “I’m here for you.” “I’m sorry about what you’re going through.” “Here’s a little encouragement to get you through a down day.” “You’re important to me.” “You’re special to me.” “I’m happy for you!” “Great news—thanks for sharing!”
Hugs get people through sad times and boost their joy factor even higher when they’re already “up.” Hugs help lonely people feel less lonely and sorrowing people feel less sorrowful. Hugs bolster courage at times of challenge. Hugs convey so many different messages and accomplish so many different things.
Good mood, bad mood, happy mood sad mood, puzzled or bedeviled, lonely or worried, a hug conveys so much to another person with just a simple but heartfelt gesture.
Who do you know who could use a hug today?
Bear Hugs -The Blog post 2
There’s a lot in the news lately about global warming—is it real, or is it hype; is it human-made, or is it simply Nature’s cycles? Whatever a person’s position is on the subject, though, everyone agrees that global warming is bad.
But there’s another kind of “global warming” that’s good. I’m talking about the warmth that spreads from one person to another when he or she hugs someone. Ahhhh…that’ll warm even the coldest-hearted person and cheer up anyone who’s down in the dumps.
A hug can say so much…and do so much. A hug can say, “I love you,” or “I care how you feel,” or “I’m on your side,” or “I’ll help you get through this,” or “I’m your friend,” or “I really appreciate you,” or “Do you know how much you mean to me?” or simply “Great to see you again!” And a hug can let someone know they’re loved, or cared about, or appreciated, or sympathized with, or simply that someone is glad to see them.
Those types of messages would warm anyone’s heart and brighten anyone’s outlook. And spreading that kind of global warming is a good thing. So let’s start a tidal wave of warmth—warmth from hugs—spreading around the world.
Who do you know who could use a hug today?
Bear Hugs – The Blog post 1
One of the women who works here suggested I run for president. She thinks I’d make a better candidate than any of the contenders now in the race. I’m not interested, thank you anyhow. As a Bear with a Mission I feel it’s far more important for me to stick to my present job of bringing warmth to people all over…people who need a hug, or people whose friends, relatives, or beloveds want to let them them know that they’re thinking about them.
But if I were to run for President, my platform would be Hugs for All! I think a lot of the world’s ills could be cured by more hugging. Just think if the world’s leaders all got together and simply hugged each other…and meant it! Or imagine if the heads of large corporations got more hugs from their friends and family…they’d be in a much better mood and would be less inclined to try to make a huge profit at the consumers’ expense or to send all those jobs offshore.
So here’s my offer: I won’t run for president, but I’m willing to let any candidate who’s sincere about it “borrow” my hugs platform and run with it. And maybe when he (or she) is elected, he’ll create a new cabinet post, Secretary of Warmth, and appoint me to it. There’s nothing like a hug for spreading warmth around. And we all could use a little more warmth in our lives!
Who do you know who could use a hug today?